Kinettix Blog

4 Essential Tips for IT Vendors Partnering Kinettix

Written by Bob Supinger | Jan 23, 2019 12:22:00 PM

Many global retail, telecom, and large organizations, as well as entire countries and geographic regions, are expanding and upgrading IT infrastructure and telecommunications systems. To ensure success, they need help from the IT industry's most talented technicians, engineers, and project managers. Working with a respected global IT field services organization like Kinettix helps IT support vendors expand operations into new territories, increase revenue channels, and become service providers for global companies.

Local third-party IT service providers dispatched by Kinettix must consistently meet global customers' standards for quality workmanship, network, and data security protocols and provide superior customer service. Here’s a look at four things you should be prepared for when partnering with Kinettix as a local provider for a global client.

1. Short Windows of Time to Fulfill Ticket Requests for Dispatches

We are operating in a world with highly rapid response, resolution, and reporting expectations. Connectivity and mobility have changed customers' expectations - today's IT customers count on real-time attention to emergency issues. IT support vendors that can’t meet the challenging demands of a shorter response and resolution time can expect to be quickly left behind in the aggressive global IT expansion and network upgrades currently underway.

In order to keep up with the pace of the expectations of today’s customers, Kinettix deploys skilled local IT field service vendors that are able to provide immediate response and rapid resolution. Kinnetix also has a support team available 24/7  to decrease response times and facilitate quicker turnaround of deliverables and reporting on projects anywhere in the world.

2. Must Deliver on Large Rollouts as Specified in Work Instructions

Kinettix's long and highly successful track record of large-scale rollouts in short time frames includes national internet and large corporate network expansions, as well as equipment, OS, and other internal system upgrades for global corporations.

We use our partner IT support vendors to provide rollout services, including:

  • Large-scale cabling, network, and sites designs

  • Dedicated project management team

  • Transition to platform services from third-party suppliers

  • Large-scale deskside upgrade or expansion

  • Remote support desk operations

  • Ticket management systems

  • Other large-scale projects for international corporate clients

As such, it’s imperative that Kinettix works with vetted local IT support service partners throughout the world who can deliver support as specified in detailed work instructions. Whether we are augmenting IT teams already in place, or building and scaling tech teams for international MSPs to coordinate onsite for installing and configuring equipment and networked devices, we provide precise expectations and instructions for how the work should be completed on behalf of our global clients.

3. Difficult to Predict Volume

In break/fix IT field service work — Predicting the volume of on-demand break/fix work that will be dispatched on any given day or week is difficult even in a medium-sized local U.S. urban market. So, naturally, it can be far more difficult to forecast and arrive at meaningful predictions of workloads for field workers in international markets. There may be more variables in many foreign IT markets, such as:

  • Issues related to inadequate or outdated external networks

  • Potentially increasing numbers of local and international new market entrants into the IT services industry during a given period, etc.

At the project level — Predicting the volume of work on large projects in a region is arguably more manageable than predicting break/fix work volume. This can be especially true in urban and regional Asian markets, where government-backed and/or allied corporate initiatives are focused on bringing whole populations online. For example:

  • India, China, and other nations are utilizing international human resources to fill gaps in the number of sufficiently skilled IT workers. In such areas, projecting project loads is a comparatively stable proposition.

  • Additionally, in areas where multinational retailers and communications networks are expanding into new foreign markets, predicting full utilization of field worker staffing resources becomes relatively reliable.

4. Payment Terms

Kinettix remits payment in Net 45 days, a credit industry term that specifies that the full amount of the outstanding balance of a client's account is to be paid within 45 days.

The 45-day timeframe in a Net 45 payment arrangement begins from the date of delivery of shipped goods or of the completion of a job providing services. This payment time frame includes weekends and holidays.

About Kinettix

We provide IT services to U.S. American companies that are expanding their operations internationally. Our Global Alliance of IT service providers includes organizations in over 90 countries. For more information about a field IT support vendor partnership in the Kinettix global network, contact Kinettix at (888) 397-0086.