
Nov 28, 2023 3:00:00 PM | Integrating AI into the Core of Kinettix Operations

Here's how AI is helping us scale and deliver superior service to our customers.

At Kinettix, we are striving to be on the forefront of incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into our IT Field Services, focused on improving the quality of our services. Our software engineering team is building AI tools tailored specifically to Kinettix use cases, enhancing our data management, targeting continual service delivery improvement. 

Understanding the specialized nature of our industry, we've concentrated our efforts on creating the "FieldFusion Data Pulse," a proprietary data infrastructure. This dynamic platform gives Kinettix a foundation to feed AI models with quality data, and transform that data into actionable Kinettix insights. 

Our use of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques with Azure Cognitive Search allows us to automate injection of Kinettix-centric context into Large Language Models like ChatGPT 4, enabling our AI to provide relevant and targeted information. 

Our AI-enhanced Help Desk tool exemplifies this technique, offering immediate, relevant assistance internally. Another in-house AI tool refines its responses as it assimilates information from documents and interactions, infused with Kinettix context and embodying the distinct Kinettix voice. 

We want the role of AI at Kinettix to transcend tool creation; we want it integrated into our entire workflow. This pursuit is currently automating routine operations, liberating our team to pursue strategic objectives. Our communications, too, benefit from AI, achieving a level of consistency and clarity that fortifies our internal and external interactions. 

Future plans include leveraging AI to streamline workforce management and project coordination. By analyzing data on technician skills, experience, and availability, we'll ensure optimal technician assignments. For project management, AI will offer tailored guidance to project managers and coordinators, fostering even better results for our clients. 

Ultimately, Kinettix's AI integration represents our dedication to innovation and superior service in global IT Field Services. It's not merely about adopting new technology; it’s about pioneering industry standards and providing unparalleled client value. 

Clay Martin

Written By: Clay Martin

Clay has worked in key IT leadership roles in multiple organizations. Clay’s responsibilities have included general IT management, software development leadership, and enterprise application architecture. He has championed the implementation of agile and SCRUM methodologies to improve productivity and efficiency in software development projects. Prior to Kinettix, Clay was CTO at Adaptive technologies, an ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) consultant for Novus Solutions, and VP of Internet Solutions for He has a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Georgetown College and an MBA from University of Phoenix.